Cap Drawing Step By Step

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The baseball cap arose with the purpose of shielding baseball players' eyes from the sun. A team known as the Brooklyn Excelsiors were the first to wear this style of hat in 1860, and it became a popular part of the baseball uniform by 1900.
Another use of the hat was in identifying the players of each team. Hats usually displayed the team's colors, and well as a mascot logo or the team's initial.
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Did you know? Baseball caps have a wide range of associated lingo. The button on the top of the hat is called a "squatchee," and hats with an adjustable fit are called "snapbacks."
Since the 1980s, baseball caps have been popular fashion statements - even if they have nothing to do with baseball. Movies, television shows, businesses, clothing companies, different sports leagues, and other industries use themed baseball caps to advertise their brands.
Baseball caps are also part of the uniform of certain non-sports groups. For example, baseball caps are worn by officers of the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, as well as parachute riggers and instructors in the U.S. Army.
Would you like to draw a baseball cap? All you will need is a pencil, pen, or marker and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your drawing to match your favorite team.
If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Nemo, Shark, and Octopus.
Step by Step Instructions for Drawing a Baseball Cap

1. Begin by drawing a curved line. This will form the front of the cap, where the bill is attached.

2. Draw a long, curved line above the first, attaching the lines on both ends. You will enclose an irregular shape, forming the top of the hat, called the crown.

3. Extend a long, curved line from one side of the crown. Use it to enclose a curved rectangular shape before attaching on the other side of the crown face. This forms the bill of the cap.

4. Use a curved line to enclose a teardrop shape beneath the bill. This forms the curved side of the bill, giving the cap a three-dimensional appearance. Detail the bill further by drawing a curved line parallel to the bottom of the teardrop shape. This indicates the front edge of the bill. Finally, connect the back of the cap's crown to the bill using a short, curved line.

5. Draw a long, curved line parallel to the edge of the bill. This indicates the stitching.

6. Next, you will begin to sketch in the various panels that make up the crown of the cap. Draw a curved line from the top of the cap to the bill, and another from the back of the cap to the previous line.

7. Draw another curved line from the top of the cap to the bill, mirroring the first on the opposite side. Then, indicate stitching using curved lines, but notice that the lines are not solid. Draw these lines alongside the previous lines and down the middle of the crown.

8. Draw two additional broken lines down the center of the crown. Then, use a short curved line to enclose the button on the top of the cap. Draw a small circle on each side of the cap's front panel. Then, draw a smaller circle within each circle. These are small holes called eyelets that help with ventilation.

9. Detail the bill of the cap with three parallel, roughly "L" shaped lines.

10. Color your baseball cap. What are the colors of your favorite team?
Many caps bear the mascot of their team, most often an animal or another character. Check out our animal drawing guides so that you can add a mascot to your cap, too.
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Cap Drawing Step By Step
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